Doctor’s Banana Brûlée Oats

  • Izhar Khan

Recipe by Izhar Khan – 2013 Entry

Inspiration / Influences / Story behind recipe
I have been in search for the perfect oatmeal porridge for breakfast. I believe oatmeal in the morning provides a great glycaemic profile and is probably the healthiest start to the day. Having experimented with a number of ideas I have perfected my bruleed banana, honey and oatmeal recipe with garnishing of ground pistachio and peeled almonds. I have also searched far and wide for the best oatmeal and found Bob’s Red Mill Steel Cut the best. For Scottish oatmeal I would use Golspie or Alford.

Bob’s Red Mill Steel Cut Oatmeal 6 oz (if not available use Golspie or Alford)
Pinch of salt
Sliced bananas (2)
Heather Honey (to taste)
Double cream  (6oz)
Nutmeg (pinch of roughly grated)
Ground Cinamon
Ground peeled almonds and pistachios

To serve 3 bring to boil three cups of water and add one cup (6oz) oatmeal. Bring to boil and stir constantly. Reduce heat to simmer. Add grating of nutmeg (a pinch), 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon ground cinamon, stir and cover the pan, allowing porridge to simmer with frequent stirring. After 20 minutes add a sliced banana and stir and pound vigourously. Add half a cup of the cream. Meanwhile brulee another sliced banana on a pan or with a blow-torch after lightly powdering with brown sugar. Take porridge off the heat at 30 minutes and rest for 2 minuteswith lid covered. Serve in three bowls and garnish with bruleed bananas, pistachio and almonds. Drizzle with honey and add a dollop of cream and some cold milk to make a moat. Enjoy!